Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Squash Me Please!

Well I'm finally getting around to a food entry which many have suspected this whole bloggin endeavor maybe about. So with out further ado lets get cookin!

I Love squash, I even capitalized the L back there so you might better understand the emphasis I'm putting on this. Here in Georgia summer means one thing besides sweating and braves games, wonderful produce! Tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, all sorts of delicious greens, yellows, reds they make me giddy just thinking of them. I came up with this dish the other week while strolling through a farmers market. I was about done with the overpriced bourgeois selection these so called farmers were peddling (honestly the closer farmers markets get to urban areas the worse the prices get). However I was struck by these beautiful UFO looking squash just waiting to be sauteed. Buying two with a tomato and jalapeno I hurried home to complete my Frankenstein creation.

Sunburst Squash Tacos

Ingredients for 2:
One medium to large Sunburst squash (also known as pattypan) or any other type of summer squash
One fresh tomato
Half to whole jalapeno pepper depending on taste preference
Half an onion
2 cloves of garlic
Any other fresh veggies you got lying around like spinach or cilantro
I added a dash of rosemary towards the end for the bit of herbal addition
1 pack of corn tortillas
Any type of cheese you prefer

Dice onion, garlic, and pepper up and add to olive oiled pan on low to medium heat.
Cut ends off squash and slice in half longways. Cut into slices, don't be too worried about thickness as the squash will start to loose form anyways. Add squash to pan with onions, garlic, and peppers. Dice tomato and any other veggies herbs you decide to add. When squash starts to loose shape add tomato and any other veggies/herbs. Add salt and pepper to taste and allow to simmer for 5-10 minutes until all the veggies have thoroughly sweat out their juices and melded together. Remove from heat and let sit for a minute. Prepare tortillas and any cheese or other toppings. Fill tortillas and now you have some delicious squash tacos which are healthy and filling. Try adding chicken or black beans for a heartier version for diner sometime. Enjoy!