Thursday, September 20, 2012

Happy Thorsday!

As my Thor training progresses I keep finding new motivations to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I finally returned to Facebook much to the delight of many close to me and to the dismay of a silent I'm sure. Going through some old photos I found some rather disturbing photos of myself from back in the day. Dang! I was a big boy! Now I'm not gonna rant about how disgusting  I was, it was a part of my life which is now behind me but it does give me endless motivation to get my butt out there and run everyday.

Another inspiration was a story I heard on the way to class listening to the Bert Show, about host Jeff Dauler who recently completed a triathlon and who's two main pieces of advice were:
 “In times of transition, keep moving forward.” It doesn’t matter how you do it, as long as you keep going forward.
And ”Remain calm. One step at a time is all you need to do.”
For anyone just starting an exercise regimen or facing any transition in life it can be easy to lay down and let life pass you by, but if you keep moving and taking everything one step, one day at a time anything can be accomplished. 
In a slight transition I begin my 'cut down' phase of my Thor regimen which means removing unhealthy items from my diet and increasing cardio workouts. *sigh* This is the hardest part for me solely because I love eating so much! I happened upon a friend going through food tumblrs the other day..... it was like torture for my belly. 
But I have to stick to it to arrive at the finish line. So here we go: The main carbs eaten by people are breads, potatoes and rice. This week I remove potatoes, next bread, then other negative aspect of my food group. It is these small steps in changing my diet for the better which will enable me to cross that finish line...... but in the mean time bruthas gonna need plenty of help! so if you see me downing hash browns knock that fork outa my hands! 
Happy Thorsday all!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Body Like The Thunder God Himself!

Starting today I am revamping my workouts to prepare my body for Halloween. That's right folks, this year I am going balls to the wall in my pursuit of dressing up as Thor the god of thunder for Halloween. This is actually in partnership with a few friends who are all taking on different roles from the avengers (pictures to follow). But why Thor? why not the Hulk or Nick Fury?

I have had to finally admit to myself that while I always desired a tight, skinny jeans wearing emo kid body, in reality my physical shape is more conducive to body builder style exercises. *sigh* However instead of lamenting this fact I have chosen to embrace it fully and utilize it for an awesome costume this October. So for the next two months most of the posts here will be updates on my progress, workouts I'm using, and healthy food options that I'm using to reach my goal.

Now why not accept my current state of fitness instead of work my ass off for a costume I may wear only twice? Recently this project of mine came up in conversation when a friend/asshole pretty much said the equivalent of, "I don't think you can do it". .......... Clearly this person misunderstands my motivations, because I am a very competitive person and when someone tells me I can't do something I want to prove them wrong. As the saying goes, The best revenge is success. So to all the haters out there, enjoy dressing up as Loki, I'll be the one swinging the hammer.