Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Hooorray! It is finally October! I love October for the weather as well as the fall activities which seem endless. October holds a special significance to me because it was one year ago in October when I first started running. It was a rainy day, much like the weather we have been having recently. It was raining so much that I wore a raincoat on my first run! Yesterday I went running in the rain shirtless because of my new appreciation for rainy weather. That day one year ago I could have let the rain turn me away and say 'tomorrow' but something inside pushed me out into the balmy forecast and forced me to run that now pitiful 1/4 mile. I ran 7 miles in the rain last night.

I bring this up as inspiration, not just for bragging rights (I'm the humblest person here! no one is more humble than me!). My story is not unique, their are plenty of inspirational stories of people overcoming tremendous odds to lose weight and be healthy. Really all I am bringing to the table is an average Joe perspective that it can be done. People, including myself, are always seeking for the miracle exercise or activity which will make them look like Brad Pitt or Gisele Bundchen (I don't know ladies, is that a good example?). Well that secret exercise is hard work! It is hard losing weight, it is hard forcing yourself to get out and be active everyday, but the goal is lifestyle change not 3 month change.

While thinking about this anniversary running last night, I was reminded of the Biblical idea that your body is a temple. While you may view that principle differently according to your own beliefs, I really enjoy that concept that my body is a temple. Don't get me wrong not all temples are built the same or look alike, but every temple needs a caretaker who respects the grounds and keeps it clean and functioning. If your temple is in ruins who is going to want to go there? This does not have to mean living in a commune, giving up red meat, and never going out for a drink, it just means that we cannot neglect our bodies need for movement, and clean energy.

Whatever state your body maybe in you need to accept yourself and be secure in your own skin. If you do not like your temple at all then the problem lies deeper than just sweeping the floor. However if you are at a place where you are ready to clean house and make some changes for a better life than be encouraged sisters and brothers, go forth and move!

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