Monday, October 22, 2012

Lets Make the Most of the Night

I don't know about you but my brain seems to run in a hundred different directions at a time. It's kinda like a magic eight ball being constantly and violently shaken with hundreds of answers, questions, criticisms, and concerns flying past the little opening at the top. Their are a couple of different remedies for an overstimulated mind, however the consumption of massive quantities of alcohol might be killing brain cells instead of relieving them. So like most people I keep myself overly busy in an attempt to direct the endless flow of thoughts from  consuming my grasp on reality. One of these activities is a Monday evening fitness club to encourage others to enjoy nature through exercise and maintain that firm butt God gave me. Occasionally my comrades in prolonged leg torture are busy with ridiculous things like jobs, family, studying; which leaves our mountain trail alone for me to conquer alone.

If you have been following along (I know its hard not to focus on that tight butt I mentioned earlier ;) then you may have connected the dots on why running by myself with no mental distractions (I don't like running with headphones) might be a potentially intimidating problem. A whole hour to just let my mind roam? why don't you just drop a crack addict into a coca field and see what happens.

But there I was, jogging down the trail, and somewhere between realizing I should have peed before starting, and that Kesha song stuck in my head (I was in traffic and it was on like every damn station, don't judge me!) there was..... silence. Sweet, sweet silence. A beautiful twilight zone where even the dirtiest Kesha hook couldn't invade my zone. In dragon ball Z terms, I think I went super sayain. I realized that while I am a people person and love being involved in as much as possible, a little silence to myself is equally important for sanity. A friend once said, "a little silence is better than sex". I always thought he just wasn't doing it right, but I think the truth behind that statement became a bit more clear that night. So, yes Kesha lets make the most of the night and enjoy time of silence and meditation.

Also, so everyone else can get this stuck in their head:

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