Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What to do When Your Sick

It is now officially fall, even here in Georgia. I love fall it is probably my favorite season, but it also brings the terrible 'Fall Cold' everyone around you seems to have and chooses to sneeze on you. I currently have it, most of my friends either had it or are going to get it, and I'm sure my mother will get it conveniently when I'm home for Thanksgiving. (that turkey doesn't cook itself ma!)

The real challenge is how to maintain your healthy lifestyle when all you want to do is lay around and re-watch the entirety of Freaks and Geeks? Well depending on the longevity of your illness their are a few different solutions to your pumpkin flavored illness.

1. Get plenty of rest! This probably sounds redundant but give yourself a day off for goodness sakes. Skip a class, call in to work, say no to water boarding that new terrorist your boss just brought back from Syria. I know personally I tend to be a work-aholic who rarely says no to a good time. This works for me most of the time but the body needs time to recover and taking a day off to get plenty of sleep and a lil you time might be just what you need.

2. When it comes to working out unless you're totally bed ridden you don't have to stop. The body can handle a lot more than you realize, and exercise does help in detoxing and staying healthy. The trick here is to cut back on your normal workout. Don't worry about not reaching your 'usual' goals when you workout. Your 'usual' goals are just not attainable in the current state your body is in. Know that your body will thank you and recover quickly if you don't over-exert it during your recovery period. Save that for the following week when your at 100%.

3. Maintain healthy eating habits, possibly reduce caloric intake. If you are not already doing so try to eat a healthy and fully balanced diet. I know it is hard, I'm a poor college student who would love nothing more than eating pork belly and ramen noodles most nights. Do not fall into the trap that eating healthy is expensive. Don't try to eat like a movie star, they usually just pay a nutritionist to wake them up at 3am to eat a plate of plain chicken anyway. Fuck that. I want to eat at normal times, and with some flavor baby! When your sick your body needs fuel just like any other time so don't forget to fill it with good choices. However if your trying to lose weight and injured or on the sick side a reduction in what your eating may help maintain body and shouldn't screw up your metabolic rate too much. Besides most people have a reduced appetite when they are sick.

4. Don't be afraid of going to the doctor. I know health insurance is expensive and many young people do not have it but sometimes the best way to get over an illness is to nut up and visit the old white jacket. If you are a student most colleges offer free nurse visits with little cost. Also the rumored free or discount clinics do exist if you are willing to wait in line. If you are really that sick, be an adult and go to the doctor so you can get your life back on track.

Good luck to all with fall illness, I hope your pumpkin carving, cool morning jogging, and flannel wearing are not too interrupted!

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