Thursday, May 3, 2012

Blog post #1 or my attempt to add years to my life and still drink heavily.

This past October two friends invited me to the park to play soccer and hangout. I have always loved playing soccer and was off work making it a prime time to get some hang time. Also they probably had beer at their apartment which is always a plus. Afterwards we made a relatively healthy chicken soup and sat on the floor slurping soup and complaining about the lack of quality TV. While a possibly mundane sounding life event this particular date will go down as the most important day in the past year for me. That is over me finally being accepted into the college I’ve been trying to transfer to for two years, my last grandparent passing away (RIP), a childhood best friend passing away, and moving to Atlanta with about 30 bucks to my name. Bam, maybe I sound selfish, or don’t have my priorities straight but this cloudy October day has profoundly changed lifestyle. What is so special about your seemingly innocent trip to the park with your bronies you ask? It was the first time in a long, LONG time I thought to myself, man all this running around, kicking a ball, sprinting, competing with people, and sweating is….fun. I KNOW like WTF running sucks, exercise is for lacrosse bros who join frats and get tribal tattoos before failing out of business school for the third time. Nope, I actually found myself enjoying exercise purely for the enjoyment of exercise. 

However this is only half the story, I mean all these new thoughts are great but let’s see how I feel when reality kicks me in the crotch next morning. And what the hell? The first thing I wanted to do was go for a run. A FUCKING RUN. I have always enjoyed playing organized sports but running has always been about appealing as studying organic chemistry or owning cats. Now lest you think this was some epic run I think I maybe made it up the block and back, a whole ¾ a mile. YAY Iz healthy now? Wrong again. But it was the willingness to go out and do it that second day when conventional wisdom and poor habits were screaming NOOOOOOO, which has kept me going nearly every day since then. Yesterday I ran four miles, it sucked for the most part, but at this point not running makes me feel fat, stressed out, and impotent.

So woopdy fuckin do, you started running, now you’re going to get a subscription to runners weekly and only wear gym shorts everywhere you go you self righteous cunt. It’s hard not to come off a bit douche-ish writing a blog about exercise but I hope if you know me personally this is not about lording my new lifestyle habits over everyone else, okay a maybe a little, but more along the lines of I did it you can too, and if not then just share in my ups and downs as I try to make significant changes for a better quality of life.

There, got all the mushy stuff out, now time to talk dirty. 
I sweat a lot, I mean A LOT. If scientists could convert the amount of sweat I produce into drinkable water, rivers would never run dry. There is a special relation people have with sweat, especially when the amount daily produced is possibly in the gallons. Anyone reading this that has similar sweating issues knows how embarrassing this can be on a daily basis let alone opening yourself up to the public to watch you sweat. I mean if there is a sweat fetish out there I could be making millions on personal workout tapes or still photos of my glistening chest hairs slick with sweat. Just try and hide your arousal. My friends and family know me to be a pretty bold person, yet getting past the fear of people judging me in a gym setting or one of my neighbors cackling at my awkward body propelling itself down the street was not simple. The true saving grace was my accidental thievery of some quality headphones during a trip to Nola with ear hooks. Finally being able to tune out the world while exercising and not having to constantly stop and adjust my ear buds made going out every day and perspiring all over the place a tad more appealing. Then again according to Wikipedia male sweat may be a pheromone cue so maybe the key to meeting more women is to just sweat more. (Probably not…)

Don’t worry this won’t specifically be an exercise blog, however I do plan on writing extensively on exercise and health related topics. Mostly though I’ll just talk about how hammered I got the night before and why working out hung-over is just the best thing ever. 

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