Thursday, May 3, 2012


So everyone’s had that day, you know the day after a long night drinkin, smoking, just YOLOing in general. The next day comes quickly even though fully formed sentences don’t. Well for some strange, absolutely unexplainable reason I enjoy working out that morning after. It could be the sweating out of toxins or cathartic self punishment I’m forcing on my cardiovascular system, maybe I’m a bit of a masochist. Regardless I find myself drawn to hitting the gym or going for a long run following a night of utter debauchery. This can’t be normal right? I mean most people hate working out enough as it is, let alone after hittin the whiskey bars hard the night before. Mmmmm whiskey….

According to exercising can help reduce the effects of a hangover, Thanks Lance! 
I find it gives me a good opportunity to reflect on the decisions I made the night before and how much money it will take to correct them. Also alcohol is a carbohydrate worth about 7 calories per gram. Compare that with regular carbs which have 4 calories per gram and fat which has about 9 calories per gram. I’m not trying to scare you from drinking, that would be a tad hypocritical, but college is a good time to learn how to balance large consumption of alcohol and maintaining a semblance of healthy living.

Also check this out, the higher your metabolism is the quicker your body processes the alcohol meaning you can party longer and harder with the addition of some exercise to your lifestyle. Better than doing meth and increases your chance of talking to the opposite sex, always a plus. 

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